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Become An Impeccable Author With Our Novel Writing Services

Our thoughts are full of fascinating stories that never make it to paper just because we are too apprehensive about doing something about it, or maybe we do want to do something about it, but we can’t put all of that pressure on ourselves without any help. That is exactly why Penguin Publishings are here!

Use our services to lessen the burden on those shoulders, and let us help you out by transforming your unique thoughts into words!

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Professional Novel Writing Services That Turn Your Ideas Into Great Stories

Our team consists of very experienced individuals who know how to extract information from your brains to put your thoughts to paper. Not only that, but they are also great at running their creative minds to turn your ideas into a masterpiece. All you need to do is reach out to us. We are here to help you out in every way!

Brainstorm Your Ideas With Us!

Hire The Best Novel Ghost Writers

Our Approach

Our Goal Is To Expand Your True Potential Of Clients Through Our Amazing Novel Writing Services

Novel Writing Services: How Do They Work?

The first major step in novel writing is brainstorming, which is something many authors have done before approaching us with their ideas. If you’re not one of them, even then, you can approach us, and we will have you talk with our novel writing Project manager, who will bounce off many ideas with you and help you in brainstorming creative new ways by which they can turn your objectives into an entire novel.

We have professionals working on the clock to make sure that you receive our best work. We can help you with developing characters and their traits and decide what kind of point of view you want for your novel. We can help you in planning and setting out a timeline for your novel so that all of it comes together nicely in the end.

Another thing that is really important while novel writing is the ending and what kind of lesson you want your readers to take from your book. If that is decided beforehand, then writing the novel just needs a whirl of creativity and a masterpiece comes together!

However, if you wonder how much hiring a novel writing service costs? You don't need to worry about that. Instead, you can explore our affordable ghostwriting service packages to craft your ideas onto a piece of paper. Our affordable ghostwriting services offer customized packages to fulfill each client's requirements. So, it's an all-in-one solution to all your book writing needs and a significant step to mark your presence in the literary world.

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Novel Writing Process

When you trust our professional book editing company for your book, we first try to understand the project. We ask the clients about their objectives and try to gain as much information as we can regarding the project. Once a contract is signed, you then become a part of our company!

Next, we provide you with a questionnaire so you can fill us in with the basics of your book so we can start working our magic on your book.

After our team has received all the necessary information from you regarding your project and also specific details on how you want us to proceed, your project is assigned to a professional ghostwriter Project manager, who will then manage and communicate with you for the rest of the way.

They will communicate with you regularly- it could be weekly or bi-weekly, it totally depends on the author. This will help in keeping the author up to date with what’s going on behind the scenes of the development of their project and also helps in developing trust between the author and the Project Manager.

After discussing the author’s wants and needs regarding their project and collecting all the project briefs that the author has provided us, our ghost writers start laying out the foundations of the book by researching the topic your book will be based on and then proceed to make an outline to ensure that there is no last-minute change of plans in the future because the outline will provide every detail. However, our writers will only move forward with the draft when the outline is approved by the author. If not, then we can revisit the missed points and review the outline until it is perfect.

After the author has approved the outline, our ghost writers will start the book writing process by writing the first draft according to the outline. To move forward with the draft, we will need your feedback to make the necessary changes to make sure that the content of the book remains true to the author’s original ideas.

Before sending your manuscript for publishing, every book goes through the process of editing and proofreading. Whether it be adding more descriptive details or punctuation errors, we have the best editors for the job!

After writing and editing the manuscript and our client is satisfied with the work, our professional team will start formatting, designing, and typesetting your manuscript according to the publishing platform's guidelines.

After the final draft of the manuscript has been approved by the author, our marketing team develops multiple strategies for publishing, branding, and marketing and ensures affordable book printing. We focus on the demographic the author wants to hit and brand our book in a way that will attract them. We market the book on various social media platforms for full coverage.

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We Help You Explore Your True Potential With Our Creative Novel Writing Services

Many authors come to us without any basic knowledge of how a novel actually works. They have an idea and a dream, which is why we are here to make it work. Not only do our professional novel writers aid the authors in writing their stories, but they also teach the authors how it all really works.

Authors are encouraged to learn the step-by-step process that their book is going through. Our ghostwriters communicate with the authors on a timely basis to ensure that their story is being written the way they want it. Because our utmost priority is client satisfaction, hence, we are always available for any queries that you might have regarding your project.

Our ghostwriters are capable of creating stories that will twist your mind and bind your heart. All they need is for you to take the first step in approaching them!

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Read testimonials from our happy customers
Anthony Reardon

It is difficult for me to describe in words how thankful I am that I found Penguin Publishings at the right time in my life. I was stuck in a rut. The words were there in my brain, but I just could not translate those thoughts into words on the word document, which I used to open and shut daily without any development. I was perusing social media when I stumbled upon an advertisement for Penguin Publishings. I started researching and even contacted some of my peers whose books were displayed on their portfolios. They waxed poetic, and I knew then that I had to try. Now, a year later, I feel like that was the best decision I have ever made. The team at Penguin Publishings makes you feel at so much ease that it feels like we already had a connection from our first consultation. They understood my thoughts and were able to form very intelligible sentences for my book, and I couldn’t have been happier. All my heartfelt thanks to the team!

John Caps

Being a doctor, time is something that I really struggle with. The hours not spent in the hospital are either spent resting or with family and friends, rare as they are. When I needed to write my research article and was running out of my deadline, I knew I had to do something about it. A friend who had been in the same position as me recommended Penguin Publishings. This organization is worth every penny. They took all my demands in stride and provided me with a well-written and coherent paper within the scheduled time. My experience with them was nothing but amazing, and if I need more help in the future, I will definitely be returning to them!

Zayne Daniel

My experience with Penguin Publishing has been one of the most satisfactory in this line of the field. I was aware of them as I have previously been involved with ghostwriting organizations. I had a finished book, but I felt that it could have some improvement, and for this, I needed a beta reader. I approached their team, and from the first interaction, I knew that this was going to be a great experience. I received a critical review for my first draft, and everything they told me rang true. Since then, I have never felt the need to complain about anything at all. Kudos to everyone at Penguin Publishings. Keep up the good work!

Ziauddin Zia

Working with Penguin Publishings has been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. Highly professional individuals in their team that are creative but don’t take away your originality from your project. I appreciate every single person on their team for making my experience a smooth ride. Definitely worth it!

Contact Us To Start your journey with us today!

Whether you need help with ghostwriting, editing, formatting, or marketing, we have pros in our team that are well-versed in these services. We are just as committed to your project as you and will make sure to deliver the best quality work.

We keep your originality, all the while transforming your work into one of a kind to ensure maximum interest by the audience. Take the first step and contact us at, +1 (877) 728-0548

Address: 353 Lexington Avenue 4th Floor Suite 400 New York, NY 10016

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Frequently Asked Questions

So, to understand how ghostwriting services work, here are some of the FAQs that will help you understand the overall ghostwriting process.

Ghostwriting is 100% ethical because you are the author. You have provided us with the idea and the initial groundwork, which is the thought process behind your book, before presenting it to us. Hence, this work is yours and only yours. It is also fully authentic since it is your original idea and not something you are taking from us. Our team at Penguin Publishing is there to aid you in your journey toward creating your book.
Yes. Penguin Publishings will not only assist but completely take over the difficult and oftentimes frustrating process of book publishing. We are here to handle everything that comes after the completion of the book. All you need to do is get ready for after your book is published. The rest, you let us handle!
Firstly, it depends on the author, as some want their project done in a short amount of time and others want to pan out their deliveries over the course of months. If we generally talk, it takes around 4 to 6 months to finish a project, but even then, this timeline is not for everyone. The timeline also depends on how much work the author has already spent on their project and whether our team will need to do extensive research to create an outline.
Projects that need editing or developmental editing generally require less time for completion, but writing projects can go on for months. Over the course of the writing process, authors may also change their minds regarding something, which can also set us back from the scheduled time. Hence, we can’t give a definite answer, but we assure you that here at Penguin Publishing’s always aimed to be on time and nothing less.
The author owns all the rights to their book, and it will remain that way even after book publishing since we will never ask for royalties no matter how much audience the book gains. We are a ghostwriting organization, and our main attraction is the sole reason that we remain nameless in the proceedings that come after the completion of the book. You, as the author, are the face of the book, and the words written in it are your words because they were borne from your own original ideas, and no one has the right to take that away from you.
Apart from ghostwriting services, our team delves into many services, such as marketing, publishing, book review and consultation, editing and formatting, custom book covers, and audio books. Our team consists of professionals that have experience in every service that we offer because providing you with the best quality work is our priority.
From creating an outline to marketing your book to a broader audience, our team is available to help you through all the steps that are essential when launching a new book. We will do our most to provide you with a smooth ride and hope that the work we do for you is up to your expectations. So that you not only look forward to the launch of your book eagerly but also think about us while working on your next project.
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